- The multilabel naive credal classifier
- Alessandro Antonucci, Giorgio Corani
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Efficient L1-based probability assessments correction: algorithms and applications to belief merging and revision
- Marco Baioletti, Andrea Capotorti
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- The geometry of imprecise inference
- Miķelis Bickis
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- How to choose among choice functions
- Seamus Bradley
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- The generalization of the conjunctive rule for aggregating contradictory sources of information based on generalized credal sets
- Andrey G. Bronevich, Igor N. Rozenberg
- [paper] [slides]
- Decisions under risk and partial knowledge modelling uncertainty and risk aversion
- Giulianella Coletti, Davide Petturiti, Barbara Vantaggi
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Some remarks on sets of lexicographic probabilities and sets of desirable gambles
- Fabio Gagliardi Cozman
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- On the complexity of propositional and relational credal networks
- Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Denis Deratani Mauá
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- A pointwise ergodic theorem for imprecise Markov chains
- Gert de Cooman, Jasper De Bock, Stavros Lopatatzidis
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Fully conglomerable coherent upper conditional prevision defined by the Choquet integral with respect to its associated Hausdorff outer measure
- Serena Doria
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Coherent conditional measures of risk defined by the Choquet integral with respect to Hausdorff outer measures and dependent risks
- Serena Doria
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Imprecise random variables, random sets, and Monte Carlo simulation
- Thomas Fetz, Michael Oberguggenberger
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Robust parameter estimation of density functions under fuzzy interval observations
- Romain Guillaume, Didier Dubois
- [paper]
- On two composition operators in Dempster-Shafer theory
- Radim Jiroušek
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Common knowledge, ambiguity, and the value of information in games
- Hailin Liu
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Calculating bounds on expected return and first passage times in finite-state imprecise birth-death chains
- Stavros Lopatatzidis, Jasper De Bock, Gert de Cooman
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- A prior near-ignorance Gaussian process model for nonparametric regression
- Francesca Mangili
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Conformity and independence with coherent lower previsions
- Enrique Miranda, Marco Zaffalon
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Comonotone lower probabilities for bivariate and discrete structures
- Ignacio Montes, Sébastien Destercke
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- A robust Bayesian analysis of the impact of policy decisions on crop rotations
- Lewis Paton, Matthias C. M. Troffaes, Nigel Boatman, Mohamud Hussein
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Dilation, disintegrations, and delayed decisions
- Arthur Paul Pedersen, Gregory Wheeler
- [paper; amended 2015-06-26] [poster]
- Weak consistency for imprecise conditional previsions
- Renato Pelessoni, Paolo Vicig
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Statistical modelling under epistemic data imprecision: some results on estimating multinomial distributions and logistic regression for coarse categorical data
- Julia Plass, Thomas Augustin, Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo, Georg Schollmeyer
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Statistical modelling in surveys without neglecting the undecided: multinomial logistic regression models and imprecise classification trees under ontic data imprecision
- Julia Plass, Paul Fink, Norbert Schöning, Thomas Augustin
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- A logic with upper and lower probability operators
- Nenad Savić, Dragan Doder, Zoran Ognjanović
- [paper] [slides]
- On the number and characterization of the extreme points of the core of necessity measures on finite spaces
- Georg Schollmeyer
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Using imprecise continuous time Markov chains for assessing the reliability of power networks with common cause failure and non-immediate repair
- Matthias C. M. Troffaes, Jacob Gledhill, Damjan Skulj, Simon Blake
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Classification SVM algorithms with interval-valued training data using triangular and Epanechnikov kernels
- Lev V. Utkin, Anatoly I. Chekh, Yulia A. Zhuk
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Modelling indifference with choice functions
- Arthur Van Camp, Gert de Cooman, Enrique Miranda, Erik Quaeghebeur
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
- Credal compositional models and credal networks
- Jiřina Vejnarovà
- [paper] [poster]
- On the validity of minimin and minimax methods for support vector regression with interval data
- Andrea Wiencierz, Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo
- [paper] [slides] [poster]
Poster abstracts
- M-estimation with imprecise data
- Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo
- [abstract] [poster]
- An idea of consonant conflicts between belief functions
- Milan Daniel
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Convergence of continuous-time imprecise Markov chains
- Jasper De Bock
- [abstract] [poster]
- Probabilistic analysis of sutural lines developed in ammonites. An example: lower Jurassic Hammatocerataceae
- Andrea Di Cencio, Serena Doria
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Bayesian updating based on Hausdorff outer measures and the role of emotions during the therapeutic phase of alliance
- Serena Doria, Iolanda Angelucci
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Probabilistic graphical models for statistical matching
- Eva Endres, Thomas Augustin
- [abstract] [poster]
- Optimal control of linear systems with quadratic cost and imprecise forward irrelevant input noise
- Alexander Erreygers, Jasper De Bock, Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp
- [abstract] [poster]
- Decision theory meets linear optimization beyond computation
- Christoph Jansen, Thomas Augustin
- [abstract] [poster]
- Searching for the most plausible partition: an evidential reasoning approach to clustering
- Orakanya Kanjanatarakul, Thierry Denoeux
- [abstract] [poster]
- Computational methods for imprecise continuous-time birth-death processes: a preliminary study of flipping times
- Stavros Lopatatzidis, Jasper De Bock, Gert de Cooman
- [abstract] [poster]
- Bayesian nonparametric tests based on the imprecise Dirichlet process
- Francesca Mangili, Alessio Benavoli, Giorgio Corani, Marco Zaffalon
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Hyperbolic systems with random set coefficients
- Jelena Nedeljković, Michael Oberguggenberger
- [abstract] [poster]
- Partial partial preference order orders
- Erik Quaeghebeur
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Eliciting sets of acceptable gambles — The CWI World Cup competition
- Erik Quaeghebeur, Chris Wesseling, Emma Beauxis-Aussalet, Teresa Piovesan, Tom Sterkenburg
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- Radically elementary IP theory based on extensive measurement
- Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish, Joseph B. Kadane, Rafael Stern, Jessi Cisewski
- [abstract] [slides] [poster]
- System reliability estimation under prior-data conflict
- Gero Walter, Frank P. A. Coolen, Simme Douwe Flapper
- [abstract] [poster]
- Updated network analysis of the imprecise probability community based on ISIPTA electronic proceedings
- Gero Walter, Christoph Jansen, Thomas Augustin
- [abstract] [poster]